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SAT School Day Assessment Schedule

Posted Date: 03/20/2025

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Weston High School


115 School Road
Weston, CT 06883
Meghan Conetta, Principal
  Parthena Proskinitopoulos, Assistant Principal
Nicholas Torres, Assistant Principal
Mark Berkowitz, Director of Athletics
Matthew Hartigan, Assistant Director of Pupil Personnel Services
T: (203) 221-6500
F: (203) 221-1252

March 20, 2025


Dear WHS Students and Families,


Next Wednesday, March 26th we will be administering the SAT School Day assessment to all juniors(11th graders). All Juniors are expected to arrive at school by 7:45am. 9th and 10th graders have alternative programming on this day and should arrive at school no later than 9:30am. 12th graders are not expected in school this day. They should use this time to follow up and ensure that they have secured an internship and prepare any other necessary items for wrapping up their senior year. 


Buses will run at the regular time for school in the morning. 9th and 10th graders are not required to attend school until 9:30 am, however the library will be open and available for students wishing to use this time for school work. 


This is an early release day for our 9th through 11th graders and buses will depart the high school at 11:45am for any students taking transportation home. 


Please see below for a schedule of the events on March 26th. 9th graders will have access to the cafeteria with breakfast and snack options at 9:30 am prior to their assembly in the New Gym. 10th graders will have access to breakfast and snack options at 10am during a break from their Mock Admissions activity with school counseling. 






7:45 - 9:30

Quiet study in Library for students arriving early

SAT Digital Administration


D & E wing classrooms

9:30 - 9:55


(food available for purchase)

Begin Mock Admissions Activity

A1, A2, Main Library, C5, C10 

10:00 - 10:30

Assembly - 

Generation SOS

New Gym


(food available for purchase)

10:30 - 11:00

Continue Mock Admissions Activity

11:00 - 11:45

Generation SOS

Follow-up activity




Any questions regarding the schedule for the day please contact the main office.




Meghan Conetta