Posted Date: 11/24/2024
November 24, 2024
Dear WHS Families,
It is hard to believe Thanksgiving is already here. I want to wish our WHS families all the best as you gather with friends and family over the next week. May we also remember to be thankful for all that we have and all of the good that is happening everyday in the Weston Public Schools.
These past couple weeks have been busy at Weston High School. I continue to be so impressed by the engagement and generosity of our students. Our American Heroes Club coordinated our Veteran’s Day events, the CLiPs Club organized a visit from Mr. David Eichelberg from the Mohegan Tribe to discuss Native American heritage and its legacy here in Connecticut and beyond, while many students contributed to our PACT the Pantry event donating items to fill the Weston Food Pantry. Congratulations to Mr. Chappa’s PACT for collecting the most items!
Our Weston Trojans Football team will be taking on the Joel Barlow Falcons this Wednesday at 4pm on the Stadium Field. A great Weston tradition! Hope to see you there.
Our December concert season kicks off with our Band Concert on December 4th, followed by our Orchestra & Choir Concert on the 11th and then our Jazz Band Concert on December 18th. Please come out and see our very talented musicians! All concerts begin at 7pm.
We continue to take feedback on all we do. We are in the process of developing our midterm schedule and should be able to share it soon. For planning purposes midterms will begin on Friday, January 10th with a 4-period review day, followed by those 4 exams. Then another 4-period review day on January 15th, followed by those exams. We have also included a makeup day on January 21st. The schedule will be shared soon.
Weston Robotics
Weston Robotics Team X: Ben Doolittle, Ethan Krichavsky, James Krichavsky, Henry Hodges, and Hanson Wang, were Finalists yesterday at Ridgefield HS, where 75 teams from the Northeast region competed in the High Stakes Robotics Qualifier Tournament.
Team 17814W: Tournament Semifinalists. Angela Zhao (captain), Emily Arias, Joshua Miranda (captain). Not shown: Cooper Schleef (captain)
Congratulations Weston Robotics!!
Filament submissions
We are pleased to announce that Filament, the WHS Literary Magazine, is accepting submissions for the Fall/Winter Edition. The deadline is December 2nd. Please ask your students to use this opportunity to showcase their creativity and self-expression through poetry, short stories, digital artwork, drawing and illustration, essays, and more.
School Climate Committee
Our next School Climate meeting will be on Thursday, December 12th, at 2:40 in the Main Office Conference.
Class of 2025: Upload your baby picture for the yearbook.
CLICK HERE to upload ONE baby picture by Monday, December 2.
Enter Contact Info
Select "Upload Your Portrait"
Upload baby picture
Grade: select "Baby Pictures"
Enter First Name + Last Name
You will receive the confirmation below that your baby photo has been uploaded successfully.
Important Reminder!
A reminder about the delivery policy (taken directly from the student handbook). In an effort to reduce the number of visitors on our campus and to ensure the safety of our students and staff, deliveries of any kind must be directly related to school business and/or have been approved by the building administration. Food deliveries of any kind will not be permitted on the Weston Public Schools campus. Failure to comply with this expectation will result in confiscating the delivered item(s) and a 1-hour detention. Weston High School food services provide healthy, nutritious, and delicious lunch and morning snack options. We kindly ask our families to refrain from sending food and beverage deliveries to our students during the day.
Pickup & Dropoff
A reminder to please continue to use the access road for picking up and dropping off students. We also must keep the fire lanes clear on each side of the crosswalk, especially at the end of the day, with so many students pouring out of the building. We want to make sure we aren’t inhibiting anyone’s line of sight, especially our security guards, as they man the crosswalk. In addition, please make sure you do not use any parking lots to drop off students. I have recently received some feedback that parents are parking in student parking spots while dropping off their students. Please understand that this creates a lot of confusion in the parking lot AND makes the student whose space you park in late! Thank you to all who support our students' safe entrance and exit.
Communication Protocol
Please remember we have a Communication Protocol to help you navigate the common occurrences in the daily lives of students, families and staff. For many of your concerns this protocol will let you know how to proceed.
Previous Letters:
Upcoming Events:
November 27: Thanksgiving Vacation (11/27 to 12/1)
December 2: Senior Baby Pictures due to the Yearbook
December 3: Junior College Kickoff
December 4: Band Winter Concert
December 9: 9th Grade Assembly - Poetry Out Loud (Period 7)
December 11: Orchestra and Choir Concert
December 12: School Climate Meeting
December 18: Jazz Band Concert
January 10: Midterm Review Day (Schedule forthcoming)
January 21: Midterm Makeup Day
As always should you have any questions or concerns please call the main office and we can provide you with support to find the information or person you need to speak with. Happy Thanksgiving!