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The Week Ahead 12/1/24

Posted Date: 12/01/2024

December 1, 2024


Dear WHS Families,



We continue to take feedback on all we do. We are in the process of developing our midterm schedule and should be able to share it soon. For planning purposes, midterms will begin on Friday, January 10th, with a 4-period review day, followed by those four exams. Then, there will be another 4-period review day on January 15th, followed by those exams. We have also included a makeup day on January 21st. The schedule will be shared soon.


Filament submissions 

We are pleased to announce that Filament, the WHS Literary Magazine, is accepting submissions for the Fall/Winter Edition. The deadline is tomorrow, December 2nd. Please ask your students to use this opportunity to showcase their creativity and self-expression through poetry, short stories, digital artwork, drawing and illustration, essays, and more.  


PACT This Week

Our Link Leaders will be joining their 9th grade PACT groups this week for another great activity. Our sophomores will be introduced to the first two competencies of the Portrait of the Graduate and begin this work by creating a Google folder and adding a few resources. Juniors will either begin their college process in SchooLinks or continue their work on Portrait of the Graduate over the next two weeks. Juniors will invite their parents/guardians to SchooLinks, taking a Campus Lifestyle Assessment, as well as their Post High School Game Plan. Seniors will continue their Portrait of the Graduate with a goal of potentially submitting early!


Junior College Kickoff Class of 2026

The School Counseling Department will host our “Junior College Kickoff” virtually on Tuesday, Dec. 3, at 7 pm. This program formally kicks off our post-secondary planning program for juniors at Weston High School. Attendees will be given important information on conducting their college search and review timelines, tips, guidelines, processes, and procedures for navigating the college application process. All juniors and a parent(s) are expected to attend, and attendance will be monitored so that we can best support families during your one-on-one college meetings. The meeting will also be recorded and posted on the WSH website before the holiday break.


Link and passcode for the meeting:

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 470-839-8427‬ PIN: ‪169 243 199‬#


Post-Secondary Planning Meetings 

Junior families may begin scheduling meetings with me and their counselor after the December break. It doesn't matter who you meet with first, but we encourage families to schedule meetings with both their counselor AND Ms. Green between January and June. We can accommodate joint meetings with Ms. Green and your counselor if that's your preference. Email Ms. Green and/or your counselor to schedule a meeting. 


We are extremely excited about the upcoming college planning season and we look forward to assisting you to find the right fit! 


Ms. Green’s College & Career Quarterly can be found here.


Class of 2025: Upload your baby picture for the yearbook.

CLICK HERE to upload ONE baby picture by Monday, December 2.

  • Enter Contact Info

  • Select "Upload Your Portrait"

  • Upload baby picture

  • Crop

  • Grade: select "Baby Pictures"

  • Enter First Name + Last Name

  • Submit

You will receive the confirmation below that your baby photo has been uploaded successfully.


Poetry Out Loud Assembly

On Monday, December 9th our 9th graders will be participating in an assembly to view the finalists of the classroom based Poetry Out Loud competition. A panel of judges will be selecting the finalist to move forward to the state competition. Thank you to Ms. Roehl, Mr. Jennette, and Mrs. Holmes for coordinating this great event for our freshman class.


School Climate Committee

Our next School Climate meeting will be on Thursday, December 12th, at 2:40 in the Main Office Conference. 


Important Reminder!

A reminder about the delivery policy (taken directly from the student handbook). To reduce the number of visitors on our campus and ensure the safety of our students and staff, deliveries of any kind must be directly related to school business and approved by the building administration. Food deliveries will not be permitted on the Weston Public Schools campus. Failure to comply with this expectation will result in confiscating the delivered item(s) and a 1-hour detention.  Weston High School food services provide healthy, nutritious, and delicious lunch and morning snack options.  We kindly ask our families to refrain from sending food and beverage deliveries to our students during the day.


Pickup & Dropoff

A reminder to please continue to use the access road for picking up and dropping off students. We also must keep the fire lanes clear on each side of the crosswalk, especially at the end of the day, with so many students pouring out of the building. We want to make sure we aren’t inhibiting anyone’s line of sight, especially our security guards, as they man the crosswalk. In addition, please make sure you do not use any parking lots to drop off students.  I have recently received some feedback that parents are parking in student parking spots while dropping off their students. Please understand that this creates a lot of confusion in the parking lot AND makes the student whose space you park in late! Thank you to all who support our students' safe entrance and exit.  


Communication Protocol

Please remember we have a Communication Protocol to help you navigate the common occurrences in the daily lives of students, families and staff. For many of your concerns this protocol will let you know how to proceed. 


Previous Letters:

November 24, 2024

November 17, 2024

November 10, 2024

November 3, 2024


Upcoming Events:

December 2: Senior Baby Pictures due to the Yearbook

December 2: Filament Submissions Due

December 3: Junior College Kickoff (virtual)

December 4: Band Winter Concert

December 9: 9th Grade Assembly - Poetry Out Loud (Period 7)

December 11: Orchestra and Choir Concert

December 12: School Climate Meeting

December 18: Jazz Band Concert

December 20: Early Dismissal

December 21: First Day of Break

January 2: Return to School After Break

January 10: Midterm Review Day (Schedule forthcoming)

January 21: Midterm Makeup Day


As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please call the main office, and we can provide you with support to find the information or person you need to speak with.


