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The Week Ahead 1/19/25

Posted Date: 01/19/2025

January 20, 2025


Dear WHS Students, Families, and Staff,


Thank you so much to our amazing PTO parents for coming in and providing hot chocolate to our students during midterm week. It was such a nice treat during our morning breaks between exams. We have our makeup day tomorrow. If students do not have to take a makeup exam, they do not attend school. Buses will not be running for the high school students tomorrow.


Over the past couple of weeks I have been reading The Disengaged Teen by Jenny Anderson and Rebecca Winthrop. It highlights the ways that we as both parents and educators can help to create a system and culture that promotes a love of learning in our students. So much of the book is about how we dialogue with our children, wonder about their interests, and give them permission to make their own choices. As we begin to prepare for the 25-26 school year it is my hope that our children will have the strongest voices in setting their own path, select the courses that are most interesting to them, and develop a sense of responsibility to engage with the adults and peers around them while they pursue their passions.


Our course scheduling process for the 25-26 school year begins this month. This year, we are once again opening up our process to allow students and families to select the best schedule for themselves. Teachers will continue to submit course recommendations and we still strongly believe in these recommendations. Students may choose to override a recommendation, however, please keep in mind that changing classes once school begins in the fall can present challenges and open seats may not be available to make a change. This is why this process is so important and having open and honest conversations with students now is vital. We have had students who were forced to persevere this year due to the constraints of our schedule and open seats not being available once the school year has started. We take a lot of time in the spring to get our students the courses they are requesting, it is so important that these decisions be made in measured ways.


I want to also highlight that while students may be recommended for a full slate of challenging and rigorous courses, this does not necessarily mean that students should take all of the honors or AP classes they are recommended for. We have noticed over the years that the full scope of recommended classes may be too challenging for some students, given all of the activities they are involved in. We also recognize that some students, while not receiving a recommendation for a course, may have a passion for the subject and may want to challenge themselves. This is a very personal process, and these decisions should be made for and by the individual student, not based on what other peers or even siblings have chosen. I encourage you to have an open dialogue with your high schooler about a balanced and appropriate schedule. I’ve curated a few articles to help the conversations at home:


How to Help Your Teen Pick Classes for Next Year: Challenge, Don’t Overwhelm

I Regret Allowing My Teen to Enroll in Advanced Placement Classes

Before You Help Pick Out Your Teen’s High School Schedule, Consider This


Senior PACT - January 22nd

This Wednesday, during our weekly PACT (Positively Achieving Community Together), Seniors will meet in the auditorium and receive information from Ms. Randi Green about their senior internship, Mr. Chappa and Ms. Zanghi about senior events including Prom, Senior Banquet, and the Class Trip. School administrators will talk to our seniors about the ways they can ensure they have a fun, safe, and successful spring semester of their senior year.


9th-11th Grade PACT - Course Scheduling

This Wednesday, during PACT, our students in grades 9-11 will be reviewing the course selection process, and we will be releasing our 25-26 Program of Studies. Additionally, students will be completing a Time Management Worksheet to help them evaluate their course choices. On Wednesday, the Program of Studies will be available on our website as well. Please refer to the Course Selection Calendar for the timeline of the process.


Seniors - Class of 2025 

The senior class was emailed a link to order their cap and gown. Please remind your seniors to place their order if they haven’t already done so. Please do not order for your student before checking with them, we are receiving duplicate orders. They just have to click the link, create an account, and place the order. The cap and gown cost is covered by the class dues collected annually. The last day to do this is February 14th, 2025!

We are collecting pictures of the Class of 2025!!


We are looking for photos of senior groups (2 or more) from over the years, otherwise known as "throwback pictures" of when the seniors were in elementary or middle school. Pictures could be a field trip, for example.


CLICK HERE to upload photos by Wednesday, February 5.

For description, enter "throwbacks."


Thank you!


2025 Weston HS Yearbook

Short Wharf Theater

Weston Middle School, Short Wharf Theater presents: The Music Man Jr! Performances are Friday, January 24th, 7 pm, Saturday, January 25th, at 3 pm, and Sunday, January 26, 3 pm. 

Tickets are on sale at  


9th Grade NWEA Testing

This week our 9th graders will be taking the Northwest Education Alliance (NWEA) winter assessment in their English classes and in our Algebra 1 math classes. This is an opportunity for us to check their progress as they continue on their 9th grade journey. 


Rigorous Coursework Letters

The Connecticut State Department of Education sends out yearly letters to the parents/guardians of students in Grades 9 and 10 who have the potential to succeed in rigorous courses based on their state test scores. This information is only one factor in determining the best academic program for each student. The totality of a student's choices must be considered and the overall pressure and time a child’s schedule will entail. More information is forthcoming about our scheduling calendar, teacher recommendations, and our open enrollment process. On January 22nd during PACT I will be addressing all students via a Google Meet as we begin our course scheduling process for the 2025-2026 school year.


Course Scheduling for the 25-26 School Year

When we begin our second semester teachers will be thinking about their new units and recommendations for next year for their students. Our course scheduling process will be beginning soon. More information to come in The Week Ahead next week. 8th Graders will be coming to the high school on Tuesday, January 21st to meet their counselors and get a little high school preview. HERE is the calendar of our process. More to come…!


Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Opportunities

Through their Aging in Place program, Habitat for Humanity helps older adults maintain their independence by providing critical home repairs, modifications, and community services tailored to their needs. With more than 19 million older adults living in homes that require modifications for safety and accessibility, their work is essential in helping them stay in their homes and communities with dignity.


Additionally, their construction projects provide an opportunity for volunteers of all skill levels to engage in hands-on building efforts that directly contribute to safe and stable housing for families in need. No prior experience is required—just a willingness to learn and make a difference! If you are interested, please feel free to reach out to Briana Stuart at, to discuss how you can get involved.


Important Reminder!

A reminder about the delivery policy (taken directly from the student handbook). To reduce the number of visitors on our campus and ensure the safety of our students and staff, deliveries of any kind must be directly related to school business and approved by the building administration. Food deliveries will not be permitted on the Weston Public Schools campus. Failure to comply with this expectation will result in confiscation of the delivered item(s) and a 1-hour detention.  Weston High School food services provide healthy, nutritious, and delicious lunch and morning snack options.  We kindly ask our families to refrain from sending food and beverage deliveries to our students during the day.


Pickup & Dropoff

A reminder to please continue to use the access road for picking up and dropping off students. We also must keep the fire lanes clear on each side of the crosswalk, especially at the end of the day, with so many students pouring out of the building. We want to make sure we aren’t inhibiting anyone’s line of sight, especially our security guards, as they man the crosswalk. In addition, please make sure you do not use any parking lots to drop off students.  I have recently received some feedback that parents are parking in student parking spots while dropping off their students. Please understand that this creates a lot of confusion in the parking lot AND makes the student whose space you park in late! Thank you to all who support our students' safe entrance and exit.  


Communication Protocol

Please remember we have a Communication Protocol to help you navigate the common occurrences in the daily lives of students, families, and staff. For many of your concerns, this protocol will let you know how to proceed. 


Previous Letters:

January 5, 2025

December 15, 2024


Upcoming Events:

January 20: Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School

January 21: Midterm Makeup Day

January 21: 8th Grade Students visit the high school

January 30: School Climate Meeting

February 12: 8th Grade Transition Night

February 17-24 Mid-Winter Break

February 24 Professional Development - No School for students


As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please call the main office, and we can provide you with support to find the information or person you need to speak with.



