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The Week Ahead 2/2/25

Posted Date: 02/02/2025

February 2, 2025

Happy Groundhog Day everyone! While Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning and raced back into his burrow, it is good to know that he has only a 35% accuracy rate, our hope for an early spring remains a possibility or for you skiers the hope for more snow! 


To the right is a picture of our Coop Hockey team on the ice with our dedicated and excited fans in the background. I love the expressions on their faces! There are so many events to be a part of whether a participant or a fan. Come on out and support your Trojans!!


We polled students and staff this week on our new midterm schedule. While there is always room for improvement, overall the new schedule received positive feedback from both stakeholder groups. We have a small team that is going to apply the feedback and provide the finals schedule in the near future. 


The 25-26 Course Selection period is underway as the PowerSchool portal opened Friday afternoon. We had a little snafu, but now it is open and ready for your requests. All handouts and information regarding the course selection process can be found on the School Counseling page on our website. Our Program of Studies is now available for you to review and discuss. Please refer to the Course Selection Calendar for the timeline of the process. The PowerSchool Portal opened this Friday, January 31st for students to begin making their requests. Please choose wisely. As we shared with students, your course selection becomes a contract with the school. Students should select a reasonable schedule which they are able to healthily manage along with their commitments and responsibilities. To understand the difference between Standard, Honors, and AP classes please use this guide.


How to Help Your Teen Pick Classes for Next Year: Challenge, Don’t Overwhelm

I Regret Allowing My Teen to Enroll in Advanced Placement Classes

Before You Help Pick Out Your Teen’s High School Schedule, Consider This


Holocaust Remembrance Day

We were honored to have three opportunities for students to have an experience remembering the Holocaust as

Weston High School recognized Holocaust Remembrance Day last Monday. Mr. Andy Sarkany spoke to a group of tenth-grade students about his experience during and surviving the holocaust.  Two presentations featured Renee Pressin (daughter of survivors), Ari Frimmer, and Jonah Rothlein (co-presidents of the WHS Jewish Student Union). Dr. Dynner (Professor of Judaic Studies at Fairfield University) and Bobbi Markowitz (daughter of survivors) tell their parent's stories and educate students on the Holocaust.  Thank you to Shawna Johnson, Social Studies CIL, for putting the programs together, the WHS JSU for participating, and our guests for their time and willingness to share their personal and family experiences. Pictured are: Ari Frimmer, Dr. Dynner, Renee Pressin, Bobi Markowitz and Jonah Rothlein.


Seniors - Class of 2025 

The senior class was emailed a link to order their cap and gown. Please remind your seniors to place their order if they haven’t already done so. Please do not order for your student before checking with them, we are receiving duplicate orders. They just have to click the link, create an account, and place the order. The cap and gown cost is covered by the class dues collected annually. The last day to do this is February 14th, 2025!


Our Graduation date has been set! The class of 2025 will be graduating at 6pm on Friday, June 13, 2025, mark your calendars. We have also set the date for the senior class trip to Six Flags in Massachusetts for Thursday, June 5th. 


Seniors also recently met with Ms. Green to discuss their internship. For information on the senior internship and expectations please see the College and Career Center website. Students are responsible for finding their own internship and getting it approved. If students are having a hard time finding one please reach out to Ms. Green. Internship placement information is due by April 11th.


We are collecting pictures of the Class of 2025!!

We are looking for photos of senior groups (2 or more) from over the years, otherwise known as "throwback pictures" of when the seniors were in elementary or middle school. Pictures could be a field trip, for example.

CLICK HERE to upload photos by Wednesday, February 5. For description, enter "throwbacks."

Thank you! 2025 Weston HS Yearbook


Mock Trial Team

We are pleased to share that our Mock Trial students have advanced from an initial field of fifty-six teams across Connecticut to a playoff field of sixteen teams. Our Mock Trial teams will compete in the all-day playoffs in Bridgeport on Friday, February 7th. Being a student on a mock trial team means participating in a simulated courtroom experience where students take on the roles of attorneys, witnesses, and other legal professionals. They work collaboratively to analyze case materials, develop legal arguments, and present their cases in a competitive setting. Team members must research legal principles, practice public speaking, think critically, and respond to objections and unexpected challenges during trial proceedings. Mock trial competitions require students to demonstrate a deep understanding of courtroom procedures, effective communication skills, and the ability to think quickly under pressure. Best of luck, we know you’ve prepared so well!


Scholastic Awards

Congratulations is in order for our 2025 Hudson-to-Housatonic Scholastic Writing Awards recipients! 

You are able to view the full list of works recognized in the 2025 Hudson-to-Housatonic Writing Region of the Scholastic Writing Awards by clicking here.


A panel of professional novelists, editors, teachers, poets, librarians, journalists, and other literary professionals selected these works from 2,595 works submitted this year.

  • 476 Honorable Mentions awarded to promising works

  • 266 Silver Keys awarded to distinguished works

  • 169 Gold Keys awarded to the most accomplished works

  • 5 American Voice Nominees selected as the strongest regional work

Gold Keys are automatically forwarded for consideration at the national level of the Scholastic Writing Awards.


The WHS Recipients are below:

Ioan Hodges, grade 9, for There She Was, poem: Awarded the Silver Key

Delilah Ben-Canaan, grade 10, Grief’s Ember, short story: Awarded Honorable Mention

Matilda Hertzman, grade 10, Seven Times Seven, poem: Awarded Honorable Mention

Chloe Liu, Grade 11, a Boy in the Kaleidoscope, short story (Gold Key)

Grace Lu,  Baby Greens, poem (Gold Key); rose wasn’t abel, poem (Honorable Mention); Erosion, short story (Gold Key); Shirley’s Temple, short story (Gold Key);

Angela Zhao, grade 11, :, humor (Gold Key), Thank You, short story (Gold Key)


Congratulations to Ioan, Delilah, Matilda, Chloe Grace, and Angela!


Asian Cultural Society

This past weekend, members of the Asian Cultural Society took a field trip to Flushing, NY, to celebrate the Chinese New Year Parade and participate in the lion dance, a traditional Lunar New Year activity. 





Weston Robotics Team 17814W members: Cooper Schleef, Emily Arias, Angela Zhao and Joshua Miranda took home the innovate award at the Danbury High School robotics competition this weekend. Thank you to our Robotics parents for organizing a great team dinner as well and for being the grill masters! Looking forward to the future competitions!!








Library Learning Commons - Cell Phone Daycare

We have a new paraprofessional in the library who will be starting soon to fill the role of Mrs. Nice who has left to go do her student teaching in Library Media Studies. Mrs. Nicole Pidgeon will be joining Ms. Swezey in the coming weeks. Ms. Nice and Ms. Swezey worked together on the development of a “Cell Phone Day Care”. In the weeks leading up to midterms students had asked them to “watch” or hold their phones while they studied. This gave them the great idea to create little cell phone cots complete with little blankets to keep those phones snug so students can maximize their productivity when they’re in the library. This is completely voluntary and an opportunity for students to create their own best habits when studying and getting work done! We encourage everyone to give it a try!!


Important Reminder!

A reminder about the delivery policy (taken directly from the student handbook). To reduce the number of visitors on our campus and ensure the safety of our students and staff, deliveries of any kind must be directly related to school business and approved by the building administration. Food deliveries will not be permitted on the Weston Public Schools campus. Failure to comply with this expectation will result in confiscation of the delivered item(s) and a 1-hour detention.  Weston High School food services provide healthy, nutritious, and delicious lunch and morning snack options.  We kindly ask our families to refrain from sending food and beverage deliveries to our students during the day.


Pickup & Dropoff

A reminder to please continue to use the access road for picking up and dropping off students. We also must keep the fire lanes clear on each side of the crosswalk, especially at the end of the day, with so many students pouring out of the building. We want to make sure we aren’t inhibiting anyone’s line of sight, especially our security guards, as they man the crosswalk. In addition, please make sure you do not use any parking lots to drop off students.  I have recently received some feedback that parents are parking in student parking spots while dropping off their students. Please understand that this creates a lot of confusion in the parking lot AND makes the student whose space you park in late! Thank you to all who support our students' safe entrance and exit.  


Communication Protocol

Please remember we have a Communication Protocol to help you navigate the common occurrences in the daily lives of students, families, and staff. For many of your concerns, this protocol will let you know how to proceed. 


Previous Letters:

January 16, 2025

January 19, 2025

January 26, 2025


Upcoming Events:

February 3: Early Release Students - Staff Professional Development

February 7: WHS Winter Pep Rally (during the school day)

February 12: 8th Grade Transition Night

February 14: WHS Talent Show (during the school day)

February 17-24 Mid-Winter Break

February 24 Professional Development - No School for students

March 13: Side By Side Band Concert (8th Grade Band & WHS Wind Ensemble)

March 28,29: Company - Spring Musical

April 7-9: NEASC Visit (Accreditation)

April 29: Rising Freshman Forum

April 30: STEM Night

May 1: WHS Band Concert

May 6: WHS Orchestra Concert

May 7: WHS Choir Concert

May 15: Art Jam - National Arts Honor Society Induction

May 16: Junior/Senior Prom - Amber Room

June 5: Senior Class Trip - Six Flags, MA

June 13: Graduation 6pm


As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please call the main office, and we can provide you with support to find the information or person you need to speak with.



